Monday, December 29, 2014

Autumn/Winter 2014

I've been quiet for far too long here due to all the busyness that inevitably accompanies the lead up to the festive season. After that, Ed and I hopped on a plane to India to see family and that is never 'quiet'. Perfunctory blog posts aren't ideal and hence the radio silence. But I have so much share and so this post is a quick recap of the highlights of the season just gone.
Christmas in Edinburgh is quite special and I Instagrammed a lot of that loveliness before heading to India to celebrate my first hot Christmas in many years. I also managed to briefly check out the markets in Leeds, London and Glasgow in between my work-related travels; do check out my Instagram page for the complete photo coverage.

Speaking of travel, I've been seeing a lot of Leeds and London in recent months. The day job has been busy but I always try to stop and appreciate loveliness when I see it: the spectacular sunrises that accompany early morning flights, the stunning double rainbows in between grey days, London's bright lights, trying out exotic cocktails and the the majestic views of London from the air whilst taking off on late evening flights ( and even amidst the chaos of airspace closure!).

Other highlights include the New Zealand vs Scotland rugby match, visiting the Edinburgh dungeons, exploring more of Edinburgh and surrounding areas ( more blog posts on the way), and visiting our old hood down south. The most fabulous of all our recent adventures has been our road trip to the Outer Hebrides and Skye. It was amazing and I cannot wait to blog about it soon!

I hope you have all had a lovely festive season and a wonderful new year! I plan to blog more regularly in the coming weeks so do watch this space! Ann x

To get in touch and see the latest on all my adventures, follow me on BloglovinTwitter,Instagram or Facebook.