Sunday, April 29, 2012

A little Barcelona gem

Here are photos on the run. Sunday is a bad day for shopping in Barcelona except if you like little boutiques. Most high street and designer shops were shut. The exception was Custo Barcelona. I was obviously delighted to find this little shop called Novedades Dorins that sold handmade and unique clothes. I bought this little top I'm wearing from there and I love it. Not a bad price at 30 euros. Watch out Vivienne Westwood!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

When Mousey Gets Cool

I found these uber cute Marc Jacobs ballerinas in a store in St. Germain quarter of Paris. I love them but can also see a potential DIY project that achieves a similar result. Anyway, Elle today reported that another version of these in stores this week so check it out! Happy shopping x

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Re-upholstering old chairs

I've been wanting to do something about our dining chairs and table for a while now. Its A metal and glass set which works well in our dining area but age is beginning to show. My husband has had them for several years now and the fabric in the chairs had various stains. I was getting tired of the Vanish routine and decided that we either get rid or do something about these chairs. Then in a moment of inspiration, I checked the bottom of these chairs to figure out how they had been put together and to investigate re-upholstering

 I have a stash of fabulous fabrics obtained from the remnant sections of John Lewis These have been waiting for their destiny via my craft projects. I initially toyed with the idea of a different fabric for every chair, using similar fabrics as in the pumpkin pouffe. However, this just made our compact dining area look even busier so after consulting with the husband I settled for this beautiful white silk fabric. They only cost me £2.20 for all the material and I was pleased to find good use for them.

 What followed was a few nights of sewing and staple gunning and voila!. The finished product is as shown in the photo. So much nicer than the original and at very little cost!

Allotment Year 2

I know I've been away for a while but work and life are to blame. I've nevertheless still engaged in some interesting DIY craft and food experiments which I will slowly share. For now I thought I'd post my allotment planning chart for year 2. Friends have remarked that it looks like hard work but I only need to compare to to last spring when we'd just been handed over a mini jungle. Its all relative and I'm so excited!