Sunday, September 30, 2012

Car Boot Fashion Bravery

De-cluttering always makes me feel virtuous. The best type of de-cluttering is one that generates a bit of cash and helps me justify those impulse fashion splurges. So the husband and I had yet another 5 AM Sunday morning start to get to a local cat boot. It was freezing cold and windy which meant it wasn't as busy as we would have liked it and gave me some posing time. Car boots are not glamorous events but I think a bit of fashion and colour never hurt. So here are a couple of 'poser' photos and another opportunity to show-off my favourite new Uniqlo Cloche Hat! At a very reasonable £14.90, this classic  hat will see a lot of wear from Autumn through to Spring for a few seasons to come.

Hope you are having a warm and lovely Sunday! Ann x

P.S.: If you are on the look out for vintage clothes or jewellery, car boots are well worth braving. I saw a few fabulous brooches which took a lot of will power to resist!

Hat: Uniqlo, Trench: Zara, Scarf: Thrift store, Boots: Next

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Macaron Trials

Finished Product. The finish clearly needs more work
I love Macaroons. But like many dainty and edible things, I've always assumed they were  very difficult to make. I've been feeling braver lately and decided to give macaroon making a go. My first attempt, using a Lorraine Pascale recipe, was a disaster. I believe that was the Italian version. My next try using a basic French technique has been a little more successful and so here are some instructions through pictures.

150g ground almonds
200g Icing sugar
100g Caster sugar
4 large egg whites or 2 sachets of dried whites
Food colour
Jam of choice
Whipped cream or butter icing

Instructions as per the pictures. I baked these at 170 degree C for about 20 minutes and that perhaps explains the cracked texture. I'll keep you posted on my next attempt at a slightly lower temperature.

Powdered egg whites
Ground almonds and icing sugar.

Egg whites beaten. Now to add caster sugar and get to a stiffer mix
Add the almond mixture and the egg whites mixture together .
Add colour. Add a lot more than you think you need. 6 times is what I've read.
Ready to bake

Red for now. A light coral when baked.
With jam and whipped cream

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

London Olympics & Paralympics 2012

London 2012 has finally come to an end. I intentionally held back from blogging about my Olympic Experience so as to relive it again after its all over. It was my first ever Olympic games and I think the UK did a fabulous job. I remember the watching the Athens games on TV many moons ago and wistfully longing to witness this magnificent event. I was however guilty of not fully engaging with tickets when the games came to where I lived. Thanks for my fully engaged, sports enthusiast husband, I did not miss out. My personal experience of the games included football at Old Trafford, Manchester, Fencing, Paralympics Athletics, Judo and Table Tennis. I was also very fortunate to witness the Victory Parade in between work meetings. Here are some of my sights from the games. I also love the Wenlocks and Mandevilles spread across Londontown. My favourite is the Sari Wenlock at Brick Lane. Perhaps I'll do a Wenlock spotting tour of London some day soon! Ann x

P.S. Please excuse low quality resolution as the photos were mostly taken from my phone.

Old Trafford Manchester

Egypt vs. New Zealand

Brazil team warming up. Belarus team in the distance.


Future fencing champions?

Paralympics Table Tennis

Blind Judo

The Olympic Flame

Men's Discus. Aled Davis got GB a gold. Jaideep did his best for India.

Medals Ceremony

Track events

Sari Wenlock at Brick Lane

Medals Ceremony

The Orbit
Mo Farrah!
Sir Chris Hoy!