Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Quirky Lifestyle is on IFB's Links La Mode Again!

My post on my recent 'French (Parisian) Pharmacy Haul' has been selected as part of this week's IFB's Links La Mode Weekly round-up. As is expected of those selected, here is the full link to all the other fabulous bloggers who are in this week's round-up with me. Lots of ideas on shopping, beauty and fashion makeovers for the party season! Hope you are having a lovely Saturday! Ann x

Links à la Mode: The IFB Weekly Roundup

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

'A Quirky Lifestyle' turns one!

They say better late than never and so it is with my one year celebratory post. A Quirky Lifestyle turned one in November and as cheesy as this may sound, it has been an amazing year. Life itself hasn't been entirely perfect but my blog (blogs that got consolidated into one) was created to help me create a 'happy place' to cope with the lemons that life kept handing out. Over the years, amongst other challenges, we have been through a horrendous journey in trying to have a baby. Several miscarriages, a nasty surgery, innumerable hospital jaunts etc. have been trying and isolating. My blog has become a haven for happy memories, new friends and positive experiences to make up for everything else.  Although I only blog once or twice a week (life and work permitting), I have put a lot of energy into it and it has in turn resulted in lots of great recognition and some lovely new friends.

I am most grateful for and proud of being shortlisted for the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards 2013, Company Blog Awards 2013 and winning the Dorset Cereals Blog Awards April 2013. Many of my friends (old and new) were instrumental in nominating me and voting for me to get to this place and I am truly grateful. I am not particularly great at networking on the blogosphere ( something to work on this year) but have met (both virtually and in person) a few brilliant people whom I have collaborated with included Kristina Hulktranz (she did a brilliant what's in my bag illustration for me), Tamara Tobias, Global Grasshoppers etc. I've had some great guest posts including H and S from Live Love Make, Rachel Haynes from St Baranbas Charity Shop Lincoln, Emma from Inspiring Travel. As an aside, I particularly love Miss Jojangles little illustration of me at the Cosmo Blog Awards!

Whilst 'A Quirky Lifestyle' is a 'lifestyle' blog, it encompasses fashion, craft, travel, gardening and other random things. Fashion has had a strong focus on the blog and I was incredibly delighted when my very new blog ( only a couple of months old at the time) managed to get a press pass for London Fashion Week AW13. It was an incredible and eye opening experience. the grounds of Somerset House were teaming with wannabe street style stars desperately trying to get 'snapped'. Sky high heels, mini skirts with no tights, crop tops with nothing else on top and bonkers outfits were all commonplace despite the freezing February weather. The fashion shows were truly entertaining and  Ashish was one my favourites with this civil engineer/builder inspired range. I also met Orla Kiely and Mawi and was starstruck on both occasions!

Despite not being a super-duper DIYer like some other uber talented bloggers out there, I was shortlisted twice in the craft blog categorizes for the Cosmoplitan and Company Blog Awards. To keep up with expectations (and because I love Craft and DIY), I have been making more effort with blogging in that category. My favourite accomplishments include making my own scented candles, upclycling old court shoes and Keds into sparkly couture inspired items,  upcylcing an old pair of pumps into a Marc Jacobs style creation, making a Monreale inspired mosaic and generally creating more prettiness around me.

Other adventures catalogued over the year include travel tales from local places as well Italy, India and Paris, discovering fabulous new restaurants , favourite things in Paris and London, featuring some wonderful charity shops and so on.  Looking at these photo collages which form a small fraction of the things blogged over the year confirm its been both fabulous and productive. Speaking of photos, huge credit to my wonderful husband Ed who has been the man behind the lens on most of the 'good' photos. I really could not have done this without him.

As a final note, a heartfelt thank you to all my readers and friends who have kept coming back thus spurring me on to continue cataloguing my adventures. You are the best! Ann x

P.S. I will not be writing a 'things to do' post for the coming year just yet. However, I will focus on three things 1. I will focus on networking better. 2. I will pitch the blog to a favourite brand or two for collaborations 3. I will create more useful 'how to' and 'what to do' style posts.

Photo credits.
First Collage: Second Row, L to R, Miss Jojangles, H&R from New Craft Society and moi at the Cosmo blog awards, Kristina Hulktranz's illustration of 'what's in my bag' amd Miss JoJangles illustration of me at the Cosmo Blog Awards  Bottom row: H&S from Live Love Make's fabulous DIY clock, moi looking awkward at the Company blog awards ( I clearly haven't mastered repeat boards!) and a Tamara Tobias creation.
Second Collage: Snapshots from my personal style posts and London Fashion Week. Top row L toR, Orla Kiely LFW AW13, my favourite Lulu Guinness lips clutch and Edeline Lee at LfW AW13

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Parisian Eclectic

I have a long list of favorite Parisian activities and one of them is vintage shopping. Rather than fighting crowds at some of the larger Parisian flea markets, we chose to explore the smaller and much more vintage focused Porte Des Vanves. It is on the outskirts of Paris, much smaller than the popular Clingnancourt market and has a reputation for being a good place to score a vintage Hermes scarf. Need I say more?!

We got to Porte De Vanves at around 9 AM on a rainy Saturday and it was about the right time. Some stall owners were only just setting up. There were loads of vintage jewels (Christian Dior, Givenchy, the odd Chanel as well as other fabulous unbranded bits), vintage books ( sadly all French), musical paraphernalia, not-so-great clothing stalls, a few selling Hermes ( but I wasn't that impressed by the choice) and a few 'proper' vintage stores.

My personal favourite was this little store ( apparently a regular at the market) selling 1920s and 30s lace clothing and as well as rolls of vintage lace. I nabbed a 2m 1920 delicate lace roll for Euro 6 which was a bargain ( I thought?). I *really* wanted a beautiful white (but now beige) lace wedding cap too but it simply didn't work on me. We completed our survey of the entire market in less than two hours before heading off to the nearby patisserie (near Porte De Vanves metro) for a spot of great value lunch ( artisan bread, smoked salmon and pure deliciousness) and some dessert ( raspberry tart and eclairs).

Paris is a lot like London on the weather front and so its important to dress practically and prepare for all conditions. I wore one of my go-to tube dresses from American apparel layered with a warm sparkly knit top from Sonia Rykiel. My DIY sparkly keds kept my feet comfortable whilst by trusty Zara 'urchin' coat kept the chill off. My autumn/winter uniform also regularly consists of my black bowler hat ( a great find on Stylist Pick).

I'd love to hear all about your favourite flea market or vintage shopping places too! Ann x

Wearing Sonia Rykiel sequin knit top, American Apparel tube skirt, earrings thrifted in NYC, Mulberry Alexa Satchel, Zara Coat, DIY sparkly Keds

To get in touch and see the latest on all my adventures, follow me on Bloglovin, Twitter or Facebook .
Photography by Edward Chandler

Friday, November 22, 2013

French (Parisian) Pharmacy Haul

I don't need to tell you that Paris is considered a bit of a lifestyle heaven. Unsurprisingly, I had a long list of things and places I wanted to check out whilst there including La Artisan Parfumeur, Diptyque, Pierre Herme etc. However, the only things I ended up buying in Paris were pharmacy products (and a tiny bit of vintage lace). I'm so very pleased with my pharmacy haul (and as I'm thoroughly loving using a lot of them), that I simply had to share! However, there were a very few products that I won't be bothering with again...

1. Embryolisse Lait-Crème Concentrate: I did a fair bit of research before I ventured into the Parisian pharmacy circuit. This Embroylisse cream was on top of my list due to the rave reviews it received everywhere. I also did a fair bit of research around Parisian pharmacies to get it for the best price (at City Pharma, St Germain) but that is another story. This is now a must-have in my toiletry bag. I use it both day and night and it is perfect for my sensitive skin. It can also be used as a cleanser and primer. This cream is a true all-rounder and I'll be buying a lot more. The best price I've got this for is €10. It is not as readily available in the UK but I found a couple of sites selling it for £17.50.

2. Caudalie Lip Conditioner: I like the fact that this come in a handy tube so I don't need to mess  my fingers trying to apply it.  I use it twice a day and it works well. A tube lasts me about a month and half and I've got a few to get through. Will I buy it again? Probably! I paid €4.50 for a tube but you can get it in the UK for about £5.50.

3. Nuxe Reve De Miel Lip Balm: Believe all those beauty fanatics when they swear by this balm because it is true! I started using this soon after I bought it (and before I decided to temporarily switch to my Caudalie buys) and it is delectable and works wonders for your lips! You can also buy it in tubes and that's what I'll be buying when I've gone through the current haul. I paid  €6.50 and you can get it in the UK for £9.50 online and at M&S.

4. Roge Cavailles Deodorant: This was quote possibly the only impulse buy at City Pharma. I'm not French guru but I thought it's label said it was good for sensitive skin and traceless so I thought I'd give it a go. I've usually stuck with Neal's Yard organic deodorants as they are better for you and I think I will go back to them once I'm done with these. That said, it works perfectly fine. I paid €3.50 for a tube but you can get it online for £6.

5. Caudalie Vinotherapie Body Balm: I may have found my perfect body cream with this one! It is rich, fragrant and very moisturizing. I absolutely love it and I will be buying more. I paid €14 but you can get it online for £18.

6. Elmex Toothpaste: There was certainly an element of practicality to my Parisian pharmacy trip. It was mostly needs based. I had read great reviews about Elmex toothpaste and decided to buy a few tubes to see how it worked. Whilst I can't really tell the difference, I feel like its doing my teeth a lot of good. However, that may just be psychological. I'm not too fussed about buying more ( when I get through the 6 tubes) but if I end up in Paris again, I probably will. I paid €7 for two tubes. You can buy it online for £8.50 for two tubes.

7. Vichy Normaderm: The next four products are ones I've previously used but have decided to review as part of this post. I stocked up on two whilst in Paris but gave the other two a miss. I like Vichy's 3 in 1 cleanser. It works really well on my skin and it also acts as a scrub and mask. Perfect from a practicality and portability point of view. I bought a couple more in Paris. I paid €7 in Paris. You can buy it in Boots as well as online for about £11.

8. Bioderma: The Bioderma micelle solution is a miracle worker for make-up junkies. I'm not one of those. However, I do like my lipsticks and often have on a tiny dab of foundation or BB cream. This cleansing water makes my skin sparkly clean and ready for bed. I only buy the little tiny bottles and I stocked up on a couple more whilst in Paris where they less than half the price. I paid €2 in Paris and £4.50 in the UK for a small bottle.

9. Avene Thermal Water: This is yet another cult beauty product but I'm really not sure I get the hype. Its probably because I live in the UK and don't feel the need to 'cool' my face. It also messes up any make-up you have on so I really don't see the point. Perhaps I'm using it wrong? I paid £6.50 in the UK and did not bother buying more in Paris.

10. Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse: I bought this in the summer because I liked the idea of having shiny pins. However, I don't like the smell (it smells like 'oil') and I wasn't convinced it made my legs look 'that' special. I have enough to get through another summer but won't be buying any more. I paid £24 in the UK.

And that's it folks! Have you discovered any other great French pharmacy products too? Or perhaps some truly great ones from another country? I'd love to know! Ann x

To get in touch and see the latest on all my adventures, follow me on Bloglovin, Twitter or Facebook .

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Spiced Poached Quince

There are many things I love about about autumn; the occasional crisp weather, the golden shades of foliage, the style updates that come with wardrobe swaps and the fruits that the season bears. A friend gave us some quince recently and they sat on our dining table for days, filling the entire room with a wonderfully sweet scent. I eventually (and a little unwillingly) decided to cook this fragrant fruit. Rather than simply making more jelly or paste (our fridge is *full* of fruit preserves), I decided to pursue a more season inpired and very simple recipe.


3 large quince
2 cups caster sugar
4 cups water
2 cinnamon sticks
3 cloves
3 star anise
A few juniper berries


Peel the quince and reserve peel for poaching. In a casserole dish, boil water and add sugar and spices. Add the quince, cover the with casserole dish and cook for about 20 mins on full heat. Simmer for a further 40 mins or until the quince looks soft and ready to eat..

Serve the quince whole with a few tablespoons of the poaching liquid,  and a scoop of plain vanilla ice-cream or creme fraiche. Autumn on a dessert plate!

I'd love to hear what seasonal recipe you've been cooking too! Ann x

Recipe adapted by a version by Jeremy and Jane Strode for Good Food Australia.

To get in touch and see the latest on all my adventures, follow me on Bloglovin, Twitter or Facebook .
Photography by Edward Chandler

Monday, November 11, 2013

Guest Post: An Insiders Tips on Leeds

I'm always amazed by all the talented people I meet on the blogosphere. One such person is the 22 year old Emma from Leeds who recently pitched a travel post for my blog. She loves to write, takes fab photographs and runs the travel blog InspiringTravel . She hopes to inspire people to get away and see the world and she shares her own experiences and travel tips on her website. Emma was kind enough to share her tops tips from her very own city and they are all very cool. Pay attention people! 
Leeds is a vibrant and lively city with everything from great shopping, to fab buildings, to interesting museums – it’s the perfect city if you fancy taking a day trip one weekend. The city is bustling with students and you’re sure to find some fantastic nightlife, but culture-lovers are also well catered for as well. It really all depends on the sort of things you like to do on a city visit, however there are definitely some must-see sights. 

When it comes to retail therapy, Leeds doesn’t disappoint. Whether you’re a keen shopper or not, you can’t miss out on visiting the Victorian Quarter in the centre of Leeds. Not only is it packed with designer shops but you’ll also find some stunning architecture. The mosaic tiles, mahogany carvings and fountain are impressive to say the least. The Corn Exchange is also home to lots of boutique shops and is set in a wonderful circular hall with balconies all the way around. For something a little more contemporary, the brand new Trinity Shopping Centre opened in Leeds this year. Inside you’ll find all the major high street shops as well as Superdry’s northern flag ship store. Plus, you’ll be spoilt for choice for places to eat and drink.

Leeds is also renowned for its vintage clothes shops. Blue Rinse and Pop Boutique are popular favourites but there are plenty of others to choose from. The newly opened Handpicked Hall on Vicar Lane is a must for anyone who loves things which are quirky and handmade. Stop by for a cupcake and tea from a china teacup!

 If you’re a bit of a culture-vulture then it’s worth exploring some of the museums which Leeds has to offer. If you’re not too squeamish then head to the Thackray Medical Museum where you can learn about health and medicine throughout the ages. There’s even a recreation of a Victorian Leeds street complete with authentic sounds and smells! Art-lovers should also check out Leeds Art Gallery where you’ll find pieces by regional artists as well as works by renowned names such as Francis Bacon and Stanley Spencer. For a bite to eat, you should definitely check out the Victorian Tiled Hall Cafe which is filled with beautiful coloured tiles.

After a hard day of culture and sight-seeing you might be inclined to relax with a drink or two. It depends on the sort of atmosphere you enjoy, but you’ll definitely find some interesting and alternative bars. The Alchemist has recently opened in Trinity Shopping Centre where you can try out some amazing cocktails including ‘The Colour Changing One’ and ‘Bigals Hot Lemsip’ (you’ll soon notice the science theme!) For an even more unusual drinking setting, head to Dry Dock. This is literally a boat which has been turned into a bar – very cool. Other great bars include Nation of
Shopkeepers, Carpe Diem and Milo to name just a few. If clubbing is more your thing, you’ll find that Leeds has a pretty lively atmosphere as the night draws in. Clubs such as Tiger Tiger, Oceana and Halo (a night club set in a church) are popular among younger people but you’ll also find a good night out on Call Lane where there is a good variety of clubs and bars to choose from. 

Leeds is one of those cities where you’ll probably be quite content just having a wander around and seeing what you can find. It’s a friendly city with lots going on – needless to say you won’t be stuck for things to do!

A big thanks to Emma for her insightful post on her home town. I'm definitely adding a few of her tips to my to-do list for when I'm next up there.  For more travel tales, check out her fabulous blog Inspiring Travel! Ann x

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Stormy Autumn Style

They say there's a storm coming. Out here, we narrowly escaped the anger of St Jude last weekend but it may not be over just yet. But then, I won't let a storm cramp my fun with fashion. Its been cold, wet and windy and I sought a style that was fun yet practical. In an ode to Paris ( I know I'm going to harp on about Paris for a bit I think), I teamed my charity shop Breton jumper outfit with a bright pair of Hunter wellies. In fact, I pulled together an entire ensemble based solely on thrifted and sale finds!

I love Hunter wellies for their sturdiness as well as colour choice. I've been waiting to wear my happy green pair for a good few months! Other touches of fun, practicality and Paris include my DIY Anthropolgie inspired necklace and my favourite Longchamp Le Pliage tote. This is an outfit post so I won't ramble on. I'll love you and leave you with a few snapshots from a mostly wet weekend!

Have you been jumping in piles of autumn leaves too? Ann x

 Wearing: Gap jumper via charity shop, ASOS slimline trousers, Hunter wellington boots, H&M trench, Longchamp Le Pliage tote and DIY necklace

To get in touch and see the latest on all my adventures, follow me on Bloglovin, Twitter or Facebook .

Photography by Edward Chandler