Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Halo Halo There!

I've discovered that the joys of travel can be re-created within the confines of your home through poring over old photos and trying out exotic recipes. One of my most interesting travel food experiences was whilst we were in Manila. Ed and I walked into this little restaurant that was doing a buffet of local food. The place, though busy, did not have a single tourist in sight (other than ourselves) and I took that to be a good sign. We tucked into a variety of local delicacies including the most random dessert ever, Halo Halo. Halo Halo literally means 'mix mix'. Whilst the traditional Halo Halo recipes (including what we tasted in Manila) include beans, shaved ice, rice, coconut water jelly, jackfruit, yam and evaporated milk, you can be flexible with the ingredients. I've made two versions of the recipe so far and my favourite one is below.

And whilst I tuck into this little delightful dessert, I am reminiscing about an adventurous day off our cruise ship in Manila; exploring little alleyways, posing with lady boys, witnessing some incredible ice skating, taking in the city's culture and history and smiling at the best health & safety poster I'd seen in a long time.

Sharon fruit, chopped
Kiwi, chopped
Nata De Coco ( can be bought from Asian stores)
Ice-cream (any flavour, I used vanilla)
Mixed nuts
Evaporated milk
Grenadine liqueur

Fill the glass/serving dish with 1 cm'ish layers of the various ingredients. Choose any structure you fancy. I started mine with a layer of nuts and followed on with grenadine, ice-cream, kiwi, coconut gel, ice-cream, sharon fruit, coconut water gel and some more ice-cream. Pour evaporated milk over this mixture and its good to serve. I'd love to know if you've made Halo Halo too and what your versions looked like. Ann x

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