Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bonfire Night Experiments

I love bonfire night for many reasons: fireworks displays (but not so much the noise), toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate, toffee apples, hearty food and good friends. Bonfire night (or Guy Fawkes night) in England marks the annual celebration of the failed gunpowder plot. In 1605, the plot by Guy Fawkes and fellow conspirators to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill James I was foiled. Most communities in the country celebrate this day with bonfires and fireworks. It now represents an integral part of English tradition and is often combined with Halloween parties. And, its probably one good reason to visit the UK in November! If you are interested in some of the associated history, check out my post on Lyveden New Bield 

We decided to get together with some friends and build a bonfire in our allotment. We had some old wood and willow branches that needed burning and the bonfire was a good excuse to get that sorted. The boys built the bonfire while us girls drank mulled wine. And of course we had to have some fireworks! As much as we enjoyed our own version of fireworks, we also got a free display of a much more impressive nearby fireworks display.  I also experimented with some Halloween style toffee apples and I'll share the recipe soon.

What did you do on bonfire night? Ann x

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