Thursday, November 22, 2012

The November Garden

Our allotment is a tip right now and the garden doesn't look that much better. The incessant rains and the short days (and hectic work schedules) have meant that we've not quite 'got there' in terms of autumn gardening. Hard frost has not arrived in the East yet so there is still time for a bit of garden TLC. So here are a list of things I'll be doing this Autumn.

Autumn Leaves: You need to rake those pesky leaves regularly. It is important, especially if you have leafy deciduous trees nearby which encourages the growth of moss and mushrooms and will eventually ruin your lawn. Use the leave for mulching your borders or as compost (leaf mould).

Seeds: This is a good time to continue collecting the last of your plant and flower seeds for planting later in spring. And, it saves a few pennies.  Always dry first and store in paper bags in a cold dark place. I love it when I'm able to re-grow plants from seed. My giant sunflowers were born this way and they are still beautiful!

Spring bulbs: Its not too late to plant some spring bulbs if you haven't already. My MIL bought us a bag of tulips that really need planting soon. Also, lift and store any gladioli bulbs or dahlias if you live in a particularly cold area.

Fruit Trees: This is the ideal time for planting, pruning and propagating fruit trees. Carol Klein's book on propagation has some great tips.Propagating fruit trees is also much cepaer than buying new ones.

Pruning:  Time to prune those raspberry and other fruit canes that have finished supplying the goods. Your autumn fruting raspberries may have another month to go.

Winter Vegetable Patch: If you've sown leeks, winter brassicas, celeriac etc., now is a good time to harvest. We also managed to get a rather late harvest of sweet corn and cucurbitas. Parsnips are meant to get tastier after the first frost so leave an excess of those in the ground. It is a good time to plant some garlic too. Also continue digging and preparing the ground for the winter. Check out Freecycle for free manure.

What have you been up to in the garden this month? Ann x

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