Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy One Month Ickle Blog!

I cannot believe that its only a month since I launched my brand new blog! I've had over 2300 hits, written 14 new posts and and have 'virtually' met lots of really interesting people. The Quirky Lifestyle Facebook page has a 100+ likes but clearly needs building up. I'm so very grateful for all the support I've received from my friends (and my lovely husband) and for all the experiences I've able to share here. Thank you for indulging me!. Following the demise of my much neglected travel, fashion and food blogs (I've deleted them!) , I am determined to keep this baby alive. I've imported all the old posts and am currently going through a tedious housekeeping process.

As with most things, I figured a list would help me focus. So, here is my little wish list of 10 things I'd like to do before my blog turns 1....

  1. Ethical Fashion: In keeping with my passion for ethical and thrifty fashion, I'd like to start a feature on some of the best Charity Shops around. I'm already planning my Kensington run... 
  2. Celebrity: A bit of celebrity is always good for inspiration and business. I'd like to interview someone famous I admire for the blog. Watch out Vivienne Westwood and Heston Blumenthal! ;)
  3. Food Blogging: I've learnt quickly (deleted blogs saga)  that blogging is very much about networking. I'd love to attend a food bloggers event and connect with some more 'real' people who blog and in the process develop that network.
  4. DIY: I'm all about upcylcing and recycling so I'd like write about at least five really interesting DIY projects. Design my own shoe or handbag perhaps?!
  5. Ethical Investment: I'd love to find one iconic 'forever' fashion piece from a charity shop and blog about the 'how'.Can you hear me Coco?
  6. Travel & Adventure:  I've not been travelling as much I'd like to lately. I gently remind myself that I do have family responsibilities, a full time job and mortgage. Nevertheless, I'd like to travel to and blog about at least three destinations I haven't been to before (either UK or overseas) in the next year.
  7. Fashion Week: I *so* want to attend London Fashion Week! I need to figure out how to go about this as a baby blogger. No plans so far but watch this space...
  8. Olfactory Indulgence:  I am a huge fan of perfume-especially the niche brands. I'd love to visit a perfumery workshop and blog about the experience. Oh how I'd *love* to visit Grasse !
  9. Quirky Partying: Nothing like a bit of dress-up and partying. Even better if it is on a grand scale. I really fancy participating in a themed weekend, I'm thinking posh murder mystery evening...
  10. Recognition: As this is a wish list for the next 12 months and I'd be putting a lot of heart, soul and energy into it,  maybe I need to think about some recognition. Sign up for a blog award perhaps!?
Have you got more ideas of what I should focus on over the next year? Would you like to join me on one of these adventures?  I'd love to hear from you! Happy birthday little blog! Ann x

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